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Another View on The "Ambush" Fantasy

July 2, 2022 - On the 10th anniversary of the first six attacks on Byron Smith.


According to the fantasies of the prosecutors, Byron Smith would have known that if he left his home, it would be attacked. If this was true, how could he have gone shopping for groceries, or gone to church? How could he visit a friend for an afternoon, or even go fishing?


If these prosecutor's lies were true, hadn't these 6 times and counting attackers turned Byron's life into a living hell? How could the jurors not see this?


One juror claimed that Mr. Smith was "deranged." Who's to blame for that, the acknowledged good citizen victim, or the violent and repetitive attackers? It wasn't just his property that Byron Smith was defending, it was his personal safety and the security of his home. With each attack coming sooner, more violently, and with higher losses, his very sanity was being attacked. Then, after the theft of three of his guns, he knew he was in grave risk of being murdered. 


The very essence of an "ambush" is an unexpected and hidden location. How could anyone's home be hidden? And the most likely location for anyone to ever be, is in their own home. How utterly stupid and arrogant did these attackers have to be, to not realize that eventually they would guess wrong! After 5 previous attacks, what persecuted victim would not be prepared? So why does anyone still feel sorry for those greedy, violent, imbecilic thugs?

Why did Prosecutor Orput go to Little Falls?

Orput was from Stillwater, so Little Falls was a long way from home and none of his business. Certainly those who voted for him weren't paying him to do somebody else's work 150 miles away.


It was Orput himself who told us why he was there. On his very first morning in Little Falls, he went to Pete & Joy's Bakery near the courthouse.


He bragged to his buddies:

"This hick town is gonna get me on TV, I'm gonna be                famous because of this hick town"

- Prosecutor Pete Orput

Immediately after the trial, while appeals were pending, Orput delivered a public speech, grossly violating Bar Association rules about Media Relations for ongoing cases. 


His speech was titled "Murder Masquerading as Self-Defense."

He should have been speaking about:

Self-Promotion Masquerading As Justice

- Byron David Smith

When Would They Have Stopped?

After 6 felony burglaries in 5 months, and 4 violent home break-ins during the final 30 days, everyone should have wondered when would those attackers have stopped?


They had not yet started on his video system, or on either of his two stereo systems. They had not yet started on the three generations worth of shop tools. As much as they'd taken, they were limited by how much they could carry. So when would they have begun driving up and loading their cars?


The obvious answer lies in the neighboring house, which was unoccupied. The gang broke in and found little to steal, so these thugs, who Prosecutor Orput said were "were just out for a little bit of fun" spent hours committing vandalism: spray paint on the walls, spray paint on countertops and carpets, holes in the walls and broken doors. $10,000 worth of damage. That's from a repair estimate of $10,000 from Service Masters. The restoration specialists. 


So there's your proven answer. Even when there is nothing to steal, they would still come back to entertain themselves with vandalism.


  • Why do some drunks in Little Falls bars say "He was a good boy", as if they'd ever known that 17 year old delinquent?


  • Why does American "justice" demand that whoever survives any attack be prosecuted with the most severe sentences imaginable?

  • Would somebody please explain why the sheriff and prosecutor want to protect and defend these not-children, these violent, brutal adults?

       (if you look hard, you'll find that their own delinquent kids, Kosovitch and          Fortier, were classmates, in the same class, in the same high school.)

How Do We Know Who Is A "Good Guy"?

Anyone who reads arrest reports in the paper is familiar with the listings of arrested person's previous crimes. They all have them, don't they? Do you recall Byron Smith's previous crimes? Don't lie now - because there weren't any! Why didn't any of the media ever report that? 


Smith's attorney was surprised, even shocked. Meshbesher stood there with his mouth open, saying "he didn't even have a parking ticket!" We say, and say it loudly, the media's failure to report this is obvious evidence of negative bias.

© 2025 Justice For Byron Smith 

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