The History of Byron Smith
Byron's Parents, Ted and Ida Smith married in 1946, shortly after returning from WWII. Ida had served as a pharmacist’s mate at the Naval Hospital in Corona, California. Ted enlisted in the Army, transferred to the Army Air Corp and became a B-17 pilot. He was shot down on the horrific second raid on Schweinfurt and was a German POW for 19 months. A Rolex watch was gifted to him by the French Government for his service. It was stolen on October 27 2012.

Byron & His Father, Ted Smith
Ted started the first taxi company in Little Falls, but sold it and was hired as an operator at Blanchard Dam for Minnesota Power and Light. After nine years he was promoted to maintenance foreman for four hydroelectric plants in central Minnesota: Little Falls, Blanchard, Sylvan and Pillager. In the 70’s he was promoted to Chief Operator and continued until retirement after 36 years.

Byron & His Mother, Ida Smith
Their family attended Swedish Lutheran Church, now known as Bethel Lutheran where Byron was baptized and confirmed. Ted was the church treasurer for many years. Ted was also the Lion’s Club treasurer and President of the Pinnacle Hunting Club. Ted passed away in 1998, Ida in 2009, five months after Byron retired to his family home.

Bethel Lutheran Church - Little Falls, MN
Bethel Lutheran Church - Little Falls, MN
The Smith family property was once a sawmill. Larson’s Boat Works Sawmill in Belle Prairie was where all the action was – boats, lumber piles, scrap metal, sawdust piles – great place for kids to explore. In 1961 the property went up for sale and despite all the wood and metal scrap with 50 years of junk and debris, Ted bought his childhood playground. Until two years ago, Byron thought of it as his ideal playground.

The Smith Family Residence
Upon retirement, Byron Smith wanted to have a useful, civically responsible retirement, something more than playing cards and watching television. One of his two primary retirement goals was to help youth. Considering his 40 years of volunteer work as an advisor to youth groups and a lifetime of work in technology and engineering, he expected to become a science fair coach and science and math tutor.

At the time of the attacks he had already worked two years as a senior judge at the St. Cloud Regional Science Fair. (in high school he participated for all 6 years). The previous summer, he had volunteered the use of his outdoor shop building as rehearsal space for a high school rock band that couldn't find any other space where the adults would tolerate their music. He shared the rest of his 8 acre yard and the Mississippi river shoreline.

Thus, his property became known to the local teens. The following summer some of the teens betrayed his help, turning on him, attacking him for the thrills and for the loot. Why??? As originator of the attacks, Cody Kasper, said on the witness stand: "Because he was an easy victim." Judge Doug Anderson barred that information from the trial. The jury never knew.

Byron is the second son of Ted and Ida Smith of Little Falls. He is an Eagle Scout with 51 merit badges, more than twice the 21 required. He was also a church acolyte for two years. Byron graduated from Little Falls High School in 1966 in a class of 266 students. He was ranked 3rd in his class in academics. Byron attended the University of Minnesota Minneapolis from 1966 to 1968.

Byron - Receiving Eagle Scout Honors