Let's Compare
Sheriff Michel Wetzel labeled Byron Smith as an executioner in the media. Let's compare the incident involving Byron Smith and the incident involving
Sheriff Michel Wetzel.
MICHEL WETZEL, Sheriff against well-known Gordon Wheeler
Full professional training on "Disarm & Disable"
BYRON SMITH, Homeowner against two unknown attackers
Wetzel: "He fired too many shots"
Deployed maximum lethality
Person's Background
No conflict training.
No experience in self-defense.
9 shots against 2 people (mixed calibers)
Resources Available
Defective ranch rifle, Target pistol, .22 caliber rimfire
Full Sheriff's department
Full police department
Highway Patrol
National Guard, 7 ,miles away
Risk of Defender
They had already stolen Smith's guns
Wetzel's quotes from the BCA Report: "He (Wheeler) didn't have a gun."
"His gun was broken." (struck by a bullet)
Risk at the Time of Final Shots
Attackers were face up
Attackers were able to use their limbs
20 shots against one man (long rifle)
Final decision factor
Used what he could reach
Attacker (Wheeler) was face down Wheeler was shot five times in the back
Wetzel: "It was an execution"
Smith had a half minute of warning
Used 24 minutes to prepare (could have taken more)